Professor Manuel Pérez Quiñones Elected to Board of Directors of Computing Research Association

Manuel Pérez Quiñones, a professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems at UNC Charlotte, has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association (CRA), a leading nonprofit organization in the field.


A Remarkable Achievement

Manuel Pérez Quiñones, a professor in the Department of Software and Information Systems in the College of Computing and Informatics, was recently elected to the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association (CRA). The CRA is a highly respected nonprofit organization that has a significant impact on computing research and policy in the United States.

Pérez Quiñones has been actively involved with the CRA for many years, participating in various search and steering committees. He was also the former chair of a committee that eventually formed the Computing Research Association’s Committee on Widening Participation in Computing Research. In his new role, he looks forward to collaborating with the CRA to increase industry involvement among underrepresented groups.

This achievement holds great significance to Pérez Quiñones, as he recognizes the lack of diversity within the field of computing. He feels privileged to be in a position where he can represent and advocate for underrepresented individuals within the industry.

Advocating for Inclusivity in Computing

As a passionate advocate for broadening participation in computing, Pérez Quiñones brings a unique perspective to his new role. As a Latino and Puerto Rican leader in academia, he aims to use his experience in the field of human-computer interaction and computer science education research to promote a more equitable computing industry.

With headquarters in Washington, D.C., the Computing Research Association comprises over 250 organizations involved in computing research across North America. These include academic departments, industry laboratories, government agencies, and affiliated professional societies. The CRA works closely with the National Science Foundation and supports various initiatives to expand funding for computer science research, as well as mentoring and outreach programs.

Pérez Quiñones will serve a three-year term on the CRA Board of Directors, beginning on July 1st. His expertise and dedication to promoting diversity and inclusivity in computing make him a valuable asset to the organization.

Recognition of Achievements and Contributions

Manuel Pérez Quiñones joined UNC Charlotte in 2015 and has made significant contributions to the field of computing. Prior to his role at UNC Charlotte, he served on the faculties of Virginia Tech University and the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaquez. In addition, he has held visiting professor positions at the U.S. Naval Academy and Northeastern University. Pérez Quiñones also worked as a computer scientist at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C.

The College of Computing and Informatics at UNC Charlotte takes great pride in Pérez Quiñones' accomplishments. Bojan Cukic, the dean of the College, commends him for his efforts in promoting the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in computing. Pérez Quiñones' dedication to mentorship and equity has had a positive impact not only at UNC Charlotte but throughout the computing community worldwide.

To learn more about Professor Pérez Quiñones' election to the Board of Directors of the Computing Research Association, please visit the College of Computing and Informatics website for the full article.