Quantum computing's potential breakthroughs

Researchers believe that quantum computing systems capable of breaking RSA encryption could emerge in the near future. However, before that happens, several other quantum technology solutions will likely come into focus.


Quantum safe encryption

Tech experts are actively working to protect data from the impending threat of quantum decryption. It is believed that by the end of the decade, we will see scaled, fault-tolerant quantum computers that can break encryption.

Jack Hidary, CEO of SandboxAQ, predicts that by 2029-30, we will have quantum computers capable of breaking encryption. IBM and QuEra also have bold predictions for the advancement of quantum computing.

Fortunately, algorithms and policies have been identified to protect data if implemented in time.

Quantum sensing

Alongside the development of quantum encryption-breaking computers, other quantum technologies are also emerging. Quantum sensing, for example, can fill in gaps in our GPS system and have various applications ranging from medical use to robotics.

Quantum sensors have the potential to improve accuracy and real-time scanning in medical applications, as well as enable untethered autonomy in robotics.

The impact and mainstream breakthrough of quantum computing are difficult to predict, just like the unexpected impact of ChatGPT in the AI field.

The future of quantum computing

The development of quantum computing holds both potential threats and beneficial advancements. As researchers continue their work, it is crucial to implement protective measures for data security.

The advancement of quantum computing can bring revolutionary changes, but it remains to be seen how it will transition from the lab to mainstream applications.

In the meantime, experts in the field are making significant progress and are dedicated to safeguarding data from quantum decryption threats.