Queensland Woman Uses Electric Car to Power Son's Dialysis Machine during Power Cut

When storms caused a blackout in Queensland, a woman used her electric car's emergency power system to run her son's life-saving dialysis machine.


Electric Vehicles Step in During Power Cut

During a power outage caused by storms and flash flooding in Queensland, some electric vehicle owners were able to use their cars' emergency power systems to assist in various ways. Electric cars equipped with 'vehicle to load' systems acted as emergency generators, powering devices such as lights, laptops, and refrigerators. In one case, a woman used her electric car to run her 11-year-old son's dialysis machine after their power shut off on Christmas Day.

How one Woman Utilized her Electric Car

Kristy Holmes, a woman on the Gold Coast, used her BYD electric car to power her son's dialysis machine. When the power did not come back on quickly, she realized that her car could handle the life-saving equipment. Her son, Levi, who is about to go on a transplant list, would have faced serious health consequences without treatment. Holmes expressed her gratitude for her electric car, stating that it is the most amazing car she has ever owned.

Another EV Driver's Act of Kindness

Matt McLaughlin, a chemistry teacher and electric vehicle owner, offered emergency power assistance to those affected by the power outages in Bonogin. With his vehicle's 'vehicle to load' system, McLaughlin was able to provide electricity for tasks like opening gates and pumping out biocycle systems. His act of kindness helped a couple who were locked in their home due to an electric gate. McLaughlin emphasized that such crisis situations demonstrate the advantages of zero-carbon technologies.