Record-breaking fiber transmits 20x global internet traffic per second

Engineers in Japan have shattered the record for data transmission, managing to transmit more than 20 times the global internet traffic per second through a single optical fiber.


Japanese Engineers Achieve Record-breaking Data Transmission Speed

A team of engineers in Japan has achieved a groundbreaking feat in data transmission. They have managed to transmit more than 20 times the global internet traffic per second through a single optical fiber, setting a new record.

Currently, the world's fastest consumer internet connection offers a speed of 10 gigabits per second (Gb/s), whilst most people have to settle for a few hundred megabits per second. Japan's National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), however, has achieved an incredible data transmission rate of 22.9 petabits per second (Pb/s). This is equivalent to transmitting the entire internet's second-by-second traffic 22 times over, with bandwidth to spare.

To achieve this remarkable milestone, the team at NICT utilized emerging technologies. They designed an optical fiber cable with 38 cores, each capable of transmitting data in three modes, resulting in a total of 114 spatial channels. Furthermore, each mode in each spatial channel consists of 750 wavelength channels across three bands, offering a bandwidth of 18.8 THz. Altogether, this enables a data transmission rate of 22.9 Pb/s, more than doubling the previous record set in 2020.

Current Challenges and Future Possibilities

While this achievement is groundbreaking, it may take some time for the general public to experience such high speeds. Decoding the transmitted data requires complex signal processing, which necessitates the installation of specialized devices called MIMO receivers throughout networks.

In the shorter term, however, the team has developed a four-core version of their optical fiber cable, which can transmit data in a single mode per core. This version is compatible with existing infrastructure and still achieves an impressive data speed of over 1 Pb/s.

The research team presented their findings at the European Conference on Optical Communication held in Scotland in October. As the optimization of error correction techniques continues, it is possible that the system could reach even higher speeds of up to 24.7 Pb/s in its current form.

Implications for the Future

The record-breaking data transmission achievement by Japanese engineers opens up exciting possibilities for the future of telecommunications. With the ability to transmit data at such high speeds, it could revolutionize industries reliant on fast and efficient communication networks, such as healthcare, finance, and transportation.

Additionally, this breakthrough highlights the importance of continued research and development in the field of telecommunications. As technology advances, it is crucial to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of what is currently achievable.

While it may still be some time before the average consumer can enjoy lightning-fast internet speeds, the progress made by the NICT research team paves the way for a future where seamless and high-speed connectivity becomes the norm.