Researchers create first logical quantum processor

Harvard researchers have achieved a breakthrough in quantum computing by creating the first logical quantum processor.


Key step toward reliable, game-changing quantum computing

A team of researchers led by Mikhail Lukin has made significant progress in the development of stable and scalable quantum computing. Their breakthrough achievement is the creation of the first programmable, logical quantum processor. This processor has the capability to encode up to 48 logical qubits and execute hundreds of logical gate operations, surpassing previous efforts.

The team's work, published in Nature, was a collaborative effort involving Markus Greiner, colleagues from MIT, and QuEra Computing, a Boston-based company founded on technology from Harvard labs. This system is the first demonstration of large-scale algorithm execution on an error-corrected quantum computer, which marks an important milestone in the advancement of reliable and uninterrupted quantum computation.

According to Lukin, this achievement is similar to the early days of artificial intelligence and suggests that significant progress is on the horizon. Denise Caldwell, from the National Science Foundation, also recognizes the breakthrough as a tour de force of quantum engineering, with the potential to unlock transformative benefits for science and society.

Overcoming challenges in quantum computing

The development of stable quantum computing has been a complex and challenging endeavor. While quantum bits or "qubits" are the building blocks of quantum computing, they are inherently unstable and prone to collapsing out of their quantum states. Creating logical qubits that can store information reliably has been a major obstacle for the field.

Until now, the best computing systems have been limited to one or two logical qubits and a single quantum gate operation. The breakthrough achieved by the Harvard team builds on their previous work with a quantum computing architecture known as a neutral atom array. The system utilizes a block of ultra-cold, suspended rubidium atoms as physical qubits, which can be entangled and connected to form gates for performing computations.

With their logical quantum processor, the researchers have demonstrated parallel, multiplexed control of an entire patch of logical qubits, which is a more efficient and scalable approach compared to controlling individual physical qubits. This milestone represents a transition in the field toward testing algorithms with error-corrected qubits and sets the stage for the development of larger quantum computing devices.

Future directions and support

Moving forward, the Harvard team aims to expand their operations on the 48 logical qubits and optimize their system for continuous operation. The work was supported by various organizations, including the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Army Research Office, and QuEra Computing.

The achievement of creating the first logical quantum processor brings quantum computing one step closer to becoming a reality. With its potential to revolutionize fields like medicine, science, and finance, stable and scalable quantum computing opens up countless possibilities for innovation and advancement.