Residents Denied Permit to Remove Dangerous Tree, Which Later Causes Devastation

A family in Southwest Portland faced the devastating consequences of a tree falling on their home, despite their previous attempts to have it removed. The incident highlights the challenges residents face when trying to obtain permits for tree removal from the city.


The Destructive Storm and the Bond Family's Experience

During a severe winter storm, a 150-foot Douglas fir crashed onto the home of Sarah and Joel Bond, narrowly missing their daughter. The storm caused significant damage throughout the region, with downed trees leading to power outages, road closures, and even fatalities.

The Bonds had actually requested permission from the city to remove the tree in question prior to the storm, due to concerns over its potential danger. However, the city denied their removal permit, citing reasons related to neighborhood character and the tree's health at the time of inspection.

City's Strict Tree Code and Homeowners' Frustrations

The city of Portland has stringent regulations for tree removal, aiming to protect trees as important assets that provide shade and contribute to combating climate change. Homeowners are required to obtain permits for tree removal, with certain criteria to be met.

In the case of the Bonds, their request to remove two Douglas firs was denied, and they were subsequently required to get retroactive permits for the fallen tree. Additionally, they will be responsible for planting a new tree in its place.

Challenges, Fears, and Discontent

The Bonds' experience reflects a larger sentiment among Portland residents who feel frustrated by the high bar set for tree removal permits. Concerns are raised that incidents like this would lead people to view trees as threats rather than assets.

However, tree advocates argue that trees are mostly beneficial and crucial for urban environments. They emphasize the importance of proactive maintenance and responsible tree care to ensure safety and prevent damage.