Russell Crowe Finds Out Decade Later He Broke Both Legs While Filming 'Robin Hood'

Russell Crowe recently revealed that he broke both of his legs while filming the movie 'Robin Hood'. Despite the injury, he continued working until production wrapped.


Russell Crowe's Shocking Revelation

In a recent interview with People magazine, actor Russell Crowe shared a surprising revelation about his experience filming 'Robin Hood' in 2010. He discovered that he had broken both of his legs during a stunt on the set of the action film. Crowe initially thought it was just a minor mishap, but it turned out to be much more serious.

During the stunt, Crowe jumped off a castle portcullis onto uneven ground without any protective measures. He recalled feeling concerned about the setup beforehand, but with the pressure of the shot and the chaotic atmosphere on set, he felt compelled to continue. Despite feeling his heels hit the ground first upon landing, he soldiered on with the production.

Continuing to Work Through the Pain

Crowe admitted that the last month of filming 'Robin Hood' was particularly challenging due to his fractured legs. However, he chose to keep the injury to himself and never discussed it with the production team. He didn't take any time off or use painkillers, simply pushing through the pain and continuing to work.

The actor began experiencing strange pains in his lower legs years later, which prompted him to consult a doctor. During an examination, it was revealed that Crowe had actually broken his legs while filming 'Robin Hood'. Despite the surprise, he maintains that the healing process happened naturally over time.

A Revelation in Hindsight

Crowe's doctor showed him X-rays that displayed remnants of fractures in his shinbones, jogging his memory about the incident. It was then that Crowe realized he had completed the entire movie with broken legs, without any cast or splints. Looking back, he realized that he had taken a year off after filming 'Robin Hood' and only returned to work after intensive physical training for another role.

This revelation shed light on the intense physical toll the movie took on Crowe, combined with the subsequent training for his next project. The actor acknowledges that in retrospect, he should have realized something was wrong, but he simply powered through the challenges without fully recognizing the extent of his injuries.