Sandra Day O'Connor: The First Woman Justice and Biden's Hope

Explore the story of Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman justice, and Joe Biden's hopes for her impact on women's rights.


Biden's Vision for O'Connor

During the confirmation hearings for Sandra Day O'Connor, Joe Biden posed a question about her off-the-bench activities. He asked if she would use her high profile to advocate for a Constitutional amendment affirming equal rights for women. While O'Connor politely declined, Biden applauded her potential to make a difference. He encouraged her to speak out on issues related to women's equality.

Although O'Connor did not champion the Equal Rights Amendment, she became an American icon in Biden's eyes. Her nomination received a 99-0 vote of confirmation, demonstrating the nation's ability to unite and move history forward.

O'Connor's Legacy

Throughout her nearly quarter-century on the Supreme Court, O'Connor became known as a key swing vote, often seeking middle-ground solutions to complex issues. Biden, while acknowledging he didn't always agree with her opinions, praised her commitment to the stable center, pragmatism, and pursuit of common ground. He aspired for others to embrace a similar approach.

Notably, O'Connor twice joined the majority in upholding Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision establishing the constitutional right to abortion. This was a concern for some during her confirmation process, as anti-abortion groups feared she wouldn't support their cause. O'Connor's impact on the Court extended beyond her judicial decisions to her historic nomination, which garnered significant media coverage and public interest.

Biden's Connection to O'Connor

Joe Biden played a lead role in questioning Sandra Day O'Connor during her confirmation hearings. This marked an important moment for Biden, as it was the first Supreme Court nominee he had a direct involvement in as the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. While O'Connor's hearings were relatively less contentious compared to later confirmations Biden presided over, they still attracted significant attention due to the historic nature of her nomination.

During the hearings, Biden respected O'Connor's stance on personal views and acknowledged that her personal opinions on abortion might differ from her actions on the Court. He also voiced his belief that, while he personally disagreed with the Roe v. Wade decision, it had already been established as law. Biden's views on abortion have evolved over time, as evidenced by his support for the 1992 decision upholding Roe v. Wade and his current opposition to the recent overturning of the ruling.