Scalped Vision Pro Pre-orders Have Sold for $6,000, But Justice May Yet Prevail

A number of scalped Apple Vision Pro pre-orders have sold on eBay for upwards of $6,000.


The Scalping Phenomenon

When Vision Pro pre-orders opened up on January 19th, the delivery dates for online orders quickly pushed back all the way into March. However, in-store pre-orders are still expected within the first few days of release at many stores.

Some of the high demand for pre-orders seems to have come from scalpers who are anticipating reselling their units at a much higher price on Ebay. There are currently over 1,200 listings on Ebay for pre-ordered Vision Pro headsets, with many promising same-day shipment upon delivery.

One particularly eye-catching sale on Ebay was a 1TB variant of the headset, which sold for $6,140. This is significantly higher than the regular price of $3,900 and it includes free shipping.

The Fate of Scalpers

While some scalpers have managed to make a substantial profit from their early pre-orders, it seems that many may end up being left with the short end of the stick. Out of the 1,200 listings on Ebay, only 44 have been successfully sold so far.

This means that the majority of scalpers who thought they could make a quick buck by pre-ordering and reselling might end up with a headset they don't even want or need. However, with the launch day for Vision Pro approaching, there is still a possibility of another wave of hype.

It remains to be seen who will have the last laugh when it comes to scalping the Vision Pro pre-orders.

Buyers and Motivations

Determining who is purchasing these pre-ordered headsets at such high markups is a challenging task. There are several possibilities to consider.

Some scalpers might be buying their own pre-ordered headsets at inflated prices to create the illusion of high demand. Others might be individuals with ample disposable income who simply couldn't wait and were willing to pay a premium for early access.

Additionally, there may be international buyers who want the headset before its official release in their country. Currently, the Vision Pro is only available for sale in the US, and there has been no announcement from Apple regarding international availability. Purchasing a pre-ordered unit from Ebay could be a way for these individuals to get their hands on the headset sooner.

Finally, there could be large companies interested in obtaining the Vision Pro as quickly as possible for competitive analysis or software integration purposes. These companies might be willing to pay the steep price tag without hesitation.