Seven Quantum Hardware Companies to Build Quantum Testbeds at National Quantum Computing Centre

The UK's National Quantum Computing Centre (NQCC) is investing £30 million to establish seven quantum computing testbeds based on different hardware technologies by March 2025. The testbeds aim to showcase and evaluate the capabilities of different hardware solutions and accelerate the development of quantum computing capabilities in the UK.


Establishing Quantum Testbeds

The NQCC is investing £30 million to establish seven quantum computing testbeds based on different hardware technologies by March 2025. The prototypes will be built by quantum hardware companies on the Harwell Campus in Oxfordshire, with the aim of supporting the development of quantum computing capabilities and infrastructure in the UK.

The testbeds will demonstrate and evaluate the capabilities of different hardware solutions. While quantum computers have the potential to tackle problems beyond the reach of classical machines, there are still critical challenges to overcome in developing scalable quantum processors.

By hosting multiple testbeds with various qubit platforms, the NQCC aims to support the growth of the UK's quantum computing sector and achieve the milestone of demonstrating quantum advantage in the long term.

Diverse Qubit Architectures

The seven projects funded through the initiative reflect a range of qubit architectures that could lead to fault-tolerant quantum computing. Each project will build a fully-functioning quantum system within a sprint timeframe of 15 months.

The projects include a testbed with 24 superconducting qubits, a trapped-ion platform, hardware systems based on neutral atoms, photonics-based quantum computing, and a demonstration platform exploiting spin qubits within a silicon-chip architecture.

The aggressive timescale of the projects will focus on building and installing tested and stable machines capable of running quantum algorithms. The funding will also enable the companies to incorporate novel innovations in their hardware platforms.

Promoting Collaboration and Innovation

The NQCC's initiative aims to create a collaborative environment for hardware companies to grow and thrive. By installing their systems within the secure environment of a national lab, they can benefit from engaging with the UK's vibrant quantum community and accessing local expertise.

The NQCC will act as a valuable first customer for the early-stage quantum machines developed by the hardware companies, helping to stimulate further innovation. This collaborative approach will contribute to enhanced computational performance and the scalability of quantum systems.

Once the testbeds are delivered, the NQCC will evaluate their performance and pave the way for collaborative projects in hardware and software development. The testbeds are expected to address scaling challenges and explore real-world applications of quantum computers.