Shorts and shirts added to beloved children's books amid Florida book bans

CNN's Carlos Suarez looks at the state of the book banning spree in Florida, where one school district has resorted to altering children's books.


Shorts and shirts added to beloved children's books amid Florida book bans

In response to the recent surge in book bans in Florida schools, one district has taken a unique approach to address the issue. Instead of fully removing the banned books from their libraries, the district has decided to alter the books by adding shorts and shirts to the characters in an attempt to cover up certain content. This move has sparked a debate about censorship and freedom of expression in the education system.

The book banning spree in Florida has gained national attention, with many critics arguing that it is an infringement on students' rights to access diverse literature. Supporters of the bans, on the other hand, claim that they are protecting children from inappropriate or controversial content. This clash of perspectives has created a divisive atmosphere within the state's education system.

The decision to alter the books instead of completely removing them reflects a compromise between the opposing sides. However, it also raises questions about the effectiveness of such measures. Critics argue that covering up content in children's books undermines the purpose of literature, which is to encourage critical thinking and engage young minds in important conversations.