Sources: Aaron Rodgers Likely to Be Medically Cleared Next Week

After being cleared to practice, Aaron Rodgers of the New York Jets is expected to be medically cleared to play in the upcoming week, according to league sources.


Aaron Rodgers' Return to Play

Aaron Rodgers, the quarterback for the New York Jets, has recently been cleared to practice and is likely to be medically cleared to play in the upcoming week, league sources have revealed.

However, his return to the field is not guaranteed as the Jets organization and Rodgers still need to discuss if playing next Sunday is the next step they want to take. This decision could be influenced by the outcome of the Jets' Week 15 game against the Miami Dolphins and their chances of making the playoffs.

Rodgers has expressed that he is willing to play if the Jets are in the playoff race, but he understands that he won't be at 100 percent until after the season. If the Jets are mathematically eliminated, it may not make sense for him to return.

Impressive Recovery

The fact that Rodgers, who suffered a torn Achilles in the Jets' season opener, is even in a position to be medically cleared just over three months later is considered a medical miracle. He has made an impressive recovery and has been participating in practice.

During practice, Rodgers has looked normal and his coaches and teammates are pleased with his progress. However, it's worth noting that practice doesn't involve the same level of physicality and demands as an actual game.

The Jets have until Wednesday to activate Rodgers to their roster. If they do not make that move, he cannot be activated for the remainder of the season. It remains to be seen if the Jets will activate him this week or if they will wait for a later date.

Return of a Key Player

If Rodgers is indeed medically cleared and chooses to return, it will be a significant moment for the Jets. His return would be faster than most athletes who have suffered similar injuries.

Rodgers' presence on the field could have a positive impact on the team, but there are still important questions to address regarding his readiness and potential risks. The Jets will need to carefully evaluate the situation before making a final decision.

Fans and analysts will be eagerly anticipating the official announcement regarding Rodgers' availability for the upcoming game.