SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket ready for launch after delays

A Falcon Heavy rocket is scheduled to launch the U.S. Air Force and Space Force X-37B spaceplane from Kennedy Space Center on Thursday at 8:07 p.m. EST. Hours later SpaceX plans to launch another round of Starlink internet satellites during a 4-hour window opening at 11 p.m.


SpaceX Falcon Heavy to Launch Military Spaceplane

SpaceX is preparing to launch a U.S. military spaceplane from Kennedy Space Center's launchpad 39A in Florida on Thursday night, making it one of the final launches of the year. The Falcon Heavy rocket is set to launch the U.S. Air Force and Space Force X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle. The launch window opens at 8:07 p.m. EST.

Previous attempts to launch the X-37B spaceplane from SpaceX's launchpad at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in December were hindered by adverse weather and technical delays. However, this launch will mark the first time that SpaceX will be working with the Boeing-built spaceplane.

The X-37B spaceplane has set multiple records for time spent in orbit, accumulating a total of 3,774 days through six missions since its first launch in 2010. During this seventh mission, designated as OTV-7 and USSF-52, the spaceplane will carry out both classified and unclassified experiments, including an experiment called Seeds-2 that exposes plant seeds to radiation in long-duration spaceflight.

Chilly Viewing Conditions for SpaceX Launch

As Florida experiences a cold front, temperatures have dropped across the state, providing chilly viewing conditions for the SpaceX launches. The estimated temperature for Thursday evening will be around 60 degrees Fahrenheit with scattered cloud cover. The Space Force's 45th Weather Squadron predicts an 80% chance of favorable launch weather, with any remaining showers associated with the cold front potentially causing cumulus cloud cover.

If the launch is delayed to Friday night, forecasters expect a 95% favorable launch weather with the primary concern being liftoff winds. Temperatures on the Space Coast are anticipated to drop further into the mid-50s by the backup launch window.

Final Launch: Falcon Heavy and Starlink

The upcoming Falcon Heavy rocket launch is the fifth for 2023 and will mark the fifth launch and landing of the Falcon Heavy side boosters. These boosters will land back at Landing Zones 1 and 2 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station approximately 8 minutes after launch.

Following the Falcon Heavy launch, SpaceX plans to launch more Starlink satellites from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Saturday night. This will be the final launch of the year, completing SpaceX's operations for 2023.