SpaceX Prepares Fifth Attempt to Launch Falcon Heavy Rocket for USSF-52 Mission

SpaceX has faced several delays in launching the USSF-52 mission using its Falcon Heavy rocket, but now has a new target launch date. Here's what to expect.


Fifth Attempt to Launch USSF-52 Mission

SpaceX has experienced four failed attempts to launch the USSF-52 mission, which aims to deploy an experimental space plane for the U.S. Space Force.

Delays have been caused by poor weather conditions and unspecified issues on the ground, with the most recent delay occurring on December 13.

Now, SpaceX has announced that it is targeting the evening of Thursday, December 28, for its fifth launch attempt from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Weather Conditions for Thursday's Launch

All eyes are on the weather conditions for Thursday's launch as SpaceX prepares its Falcon Heavy rocket.

According to the 45th Weather Squadron, there is an 80% probability of favorable weather conditions, with some concerns over cumulus nimbus clouds.

While the Squadron expects spotty showers overnight and into Thursday morning, it predicts that most of the moisture will move off the coast by midday, leaving only low topped showers along the launch window.

Potential Friday Launch

If SpaceX is unable to launch on Thursday, there will be another opportunity on Friday.

The 45th Weather Squadron suggests that there is only a 5% probability of violating weather constraints on Friday, mainly in the form of potential winds.


The Mission and Expectations

The USSF-52 mission will feature the ninth flight of the triple-booster Falcon Heavy rocket and the first since October.

The rocket will deploy the USSF's uncrewed X-37B space plane, which is used to demonstrate various technologies.

The length of the mission has not been announced, but previous flights of the space plane lasted up to 908 days, indicating a potentially long flight.