Speaker of the House Endorses Book Spreading Conspiracy Theories and Homophobic Insults

House Speaker Mike Johnson publicly promotes a book that spreads baseless conspiracy theories and uses derogatory homophobic insults.


Book Promotes Conspiracy Theories and Derogatory Insults

The book titled "The Revivalist Manifesto," written by Scott McKay, promotes unfounded conspiracy theories often embraced by the far-right. These include the "Pizzagate" hoax, which falsely claims Democratic officials were involved in a pedophile ring.

The book also propagates baseless claims, implying Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was blackmailed and connected to Jeffrey Epstein. Additionally, it defends Joe Rogan from racism charges and disparages poor voters as "unsophisticated and susceptible to government dependency."

Speaker of the House's Endorsement and Promotion

House Speaker Mike Johnson wrote the foreword for "The Revivalist Manifesto" and actively promoted the book on his social media platforms. He even dedicated a podcast episode to hosting McKay and expressed his belief in the book's content.

Johnson's endorsement extends beyond the foreword, as he referred to McKay as a "dear friend" and highlighted the potential impact the book could make. His views on homosexuality and other controversial topics have come under scrutiny since becoming Speaker of the House.

Controversial Content of the Book

McKay's book revives the debunked conspiracy theory of "Pizzagate" by suggesting Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman John Podesta was involved in child sex trafficking. The book also takes aim at Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg with homophobic slurs and disparages poor voters.

Other unfounded conspiracy theories in the book include the claim that the Democratic National Committee's emails in 2016 were leaked by a staffer named Seth Rich instead of being hacked. Additionally, the book denies the link between carbon dioxide and climate change, and spreads a conspiracy theory about the Biden administration and undocumented immigrants.