Sports Illustrated Faces Allegations of AI-Generated Content

A recent article on Futurism claims that stories on the Sports Illustrated website were created using AI and that contributor profiles were also AI-generated.


Sports Illustrated Union Responds to Allegations

The Sports Illustrated Union, a unified editorial staff under the New Guild of New York, issued a response to the allegations of AI-generated content on the Futurism website.

The union expressed their horror at the possibility of AI-generated content being associated with their publication and demanded answers and transparency from Arena Group management.

They also called for the adherence to basic journalistic standards and the cessation of publishing computer-written stories by fake personas.

Arena Group Denies AI-Generated Content Accusations

A spokesperson for the Arena Group, the parent company of Sports Illustrated, posted a statement on Twitter denying the allegations of AI-generated content.

The statement clarified that the articles in question were product reviews and licensed content from a third-party company, AdVon Commerce.

The Arena Group had been reviewing their partners when the allegations were raised and AdVon Commerce assured them that all articles were written and edited by humans.

End of Partnership with AdVon Commerce

According to the spokesperson, the Arena Group has ended their partnership with AdVon Commerce, the third-party company responsible for the disputed content.

While AdVon Commerce maintained that the articles were written by humans, it was revealed that some writers used pen names to protect their privacy.

The Arena Group stated that they will no longer be working with AdVon Commerce moving forward.