Starts With A Bang Podcast #101 - Quantum Computing

In the 21st century, quantum computing is becoming a reality. But what's hype and what's true? Join us as we demystify quantum computing with Dr. Riccardo Manenti.


Introduction to Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a revolutionary approach to processing information. Unlike classical computers that encode information with bits, which have binary states of '0' and '1', quantum computers use qubits.

Qubits can exist in a 'mixed' state, allowing for a simultaneous superposition of '0' and '1'. This unique property opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for calculations and operators.

However, it is important to note that quantum computers will not replace classical computers entirely. They offer a different approach to solving complex problems and have their own limitations.

Separating Hype from Reality

There is a lot of hype surrounding quantum computing, with buzzwords like 'P=NP', 'quantum supremacy', and 'quantum advantage' being thrown around. However, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction.

To explore the current state of quantum computing, Dr. Riccardo Manenti, an expert in the field, joins us on the Starts With A Bang podcast. With his extensive knowledge and experience, he helps us understand the recent progress and challenges in this exciting arena of physics.

By demystifying the hype, we can gain a clearer understanding of what quantum computing truly offers and its potential impact on various fields, including particle physics.

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Don't miss out on our latest podcast episode featuring Dr. Riccardo Manenti. Tune in to learn more about quantum computing and its real-world applications.

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