Tate McRae on Her Main Pop Girl Era with 'Think Later'

Tate McRae opens up about her music career and her new album 'Think Later' that marks a transition into her main pop girl era.


Tate McRae's Rise as a Pop Sensation

Tate McRae experienced a significant shift in her career with the release of her video for 'Exes.' It showcased her talent as a dancer and performer, leading many to wonder if she was an industry plant.

However, McRae emphasizes that she has been working hard since the age of 13 and is far from being an industry plant. Her previous songs like 'You Broke Me First' gained popularity, but it was her recent reinvention and the success of 'Greedy' that solidified her position in the pop music scene.

With over two million TikTok posts featuring her song 'Greedy' and topping the charts, McRae has become a rising star.

The Evolution of 'Think Later'

'Think Later' is McRae's sophomore album and represents a rebirth for the artist. She wanted to move away from her previous somber songs and showcase a different side of herself. With tracks like 'Cut My Hair,' she takes a jab at her past self and embraces a new, pop-infused sound.

The album was created with input from a core team of writers, including Ryan Tedder, who served as the executive producer. Together, they crafted a collection of songs that showcase McRae's growth and transformation as an artist.

'Think Later' features both upbeat, sassy tracks and more introspective, reflective songs, allowing McRae to explore different themes of love and heartache.

Navigating the Music Industry and Embracing Creative Control

McRae's journey in the music industry has had its challenges. Moving from Canada to Los Angeles at a young age, she had to navigate the industry on her own. She emphasizes the importance of staying true to herself and taking creative control of her music.

With 'Think Later,' McRae wanted to create something fresh and unique in the industry. She believes that music videos have lost their significance and wanted to bring them back into the spotlight. Her creative director, Bradley J. Caldwell, has played a crucial role in translating her new songs into visually captivating performances.

McRae acknowledges that being a young woman in the pop industry comes with added scrutiny and judgment. However, she focuses on her artistry and delivering her best, rather than getting caught up in negative comments and opinions.