The 10 Least Safe U.S. Cities Over Holidays Named By Security Firm

A security firm has identified the 10 least safe cities in the U.S. during the holiday season based on property crime rates, Google Trends data, and FBI reports. St. Louis, Missouri, tops the list with the highest risk score, followed by Newark, Delaware, Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado, and Seattle, Washington.


St. Louis Ranked as the Most Dangerous City during Holidays

According to a recent study by a security firm, St. Louis, Missouri, was identified as the most dangerous city for Americans during the holiday season. The study analyzed property crime rates, Google Trends data, and reports from the FBI's National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to determine the level of safety in different cities.

Using a risk score, security firm Vivint ranked St. Louis as the most unsafe city, followed by Newark, Delaware, Salt Lake City, Utah, Denver, Colorado, and Seattle, Washington. The analysis examined 182 U.S. cities and found that each city presented unique security challenges contributing to their rankings.

The top 10 cities on the list were St. Louis, Missouri; Newark, Delaware; Salt Lake City, Utah; Denver, Colorado; Seattle, Washington; Burlington, Vermont; Rutland, Vermont; Atlanta, Georgia; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Portland, Oregon.

Initiative to Reduce Homicide Rate in St. Louis

In an effort to reduce the homicide rate in St. Louis, a group of criminologists, law enforcement officials, and elected officials recommended an initiative after a meeting at the Washington University School of Medicine campus. The initiative aims to achieve a 20 percent reduction in the homicide rate by providing specialized programs for individuals involved in violence, including addiction and mental health support.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported on this initiative, which seeks to address the root causes of violence and provide alternative pathways for individuals to seek help and support. By offering specialized programs, the initiative hopes to make a significant impact on reducing crime in St. Louis during the holiday season.

This initiative serves as a collaborative effort between various stakeholders in St. Louis and demonstrates a proactive approach to improving community safety and well-being.

Research Methodology and Rankings

The study utilized a comprehensive research methodology to determine the rankings of the least safe cities during the holiday season. It included analyzing Google Trends search data related to holiday security, evaluating Airbnb listings for their security features, and considering data from Neighborhood Watches and the NIBRS for insights into community-based security measures and property crimes.

The research findings placed greater weight on Google Trends and Airbnb data, accounting for 30 percent of the overall score. NIBRS data and vehicle theft rates accounted for 15 percent, while neighborhood watches contributed 10 percent. Additionally, surveys of 500 American homeowners and 150 individuals who had committed crimes were considered, comprising 5 percent of the final score.

Based on this methodology, Tacoma, Washington, had the highest volume of reported crimes per 100,000 people during the holiday period, followed by St. Louis, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Memphis, Tennessee. Riverside, California, ranked highest in vehicle theft.