The Benefits and Popularity of Personal Training

Discover the advantages and rising popularity of personal training.


Why Personal Training is on the Rise

Personal training has become increasingly popular in recent years, with the fitness training market predicted to grow at a faster rate than the average for all occupations. This rise in popularity can be attributed to various factors, including the increasing awareness of the benefits of being fit and the difficulty many individuals face in maintaining a regular exercise routine on their own. Research also suggests that working with a personal trainer has numerous advantages.

A 2014 study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that gym members who trained with a personal trainer experienced greater improvements in lean body mass and overall fitness compared to those who trained alone. A 2020 study published in Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine showed that older veterans with multiple medical conditions were able to reduce their medication usage while under the guidance of a personal trainer. Additionally, a 2017 study revealed that participants in small-group exercise sessions led by a personal trainer reported increased energy, better health, improved self-confidence with exercising, and greater life satisfaction.

The two main benefits of hiring a personal trainer, whether you are a beginner or an experienced exerciser, are accountability and motivation. Certified personal trainer Mary Wing emphasizes the importance of having someone to motivate you and hold you accountable in order to ensure consistency and completion of workouts.

Getting Started with Personal Training

Before signing up for personal training sessions, it is essential to do your research and consider which option suits your preferences and lifestyle. Personal training can be done in a gym, outdoors, at home, or virtually, so think about what environment works best for you. Gyms often require a membership fee in addition to the personal training cost, while outdoor or home-based training may offer more convenience. Virtual training provides the most flexibility as it can be done from anywhere.

When selecting a personal trainer, it is crucial to choose someone who is certified through a reputable credentialing agency, such as the National Academy of Sports Medicine or the American College of Sports Medicine. It is also wise to inquire about the trainer's experience, especially if you have specific needs or medical conditions. Feeling comfortable and having clear communication about goals and expectations are also important factors in selecting the right trainer for you.

Beware of Red Flags

While personal training can be a safe and effective way to achieve a healthier life, it is important to watch out for red flags. A good trainer will push you slightly outside your comfort zone but should not push you beyond reasonable limits. They should listen to and respect your feedback and avoid prescribing exercises that are uncomfortable or disliked by clients.

In conclusion, hiring a personal trainer can provide you with accountability, motivation, and a safer and more efficient path towards achieving your fitness goals. Remember that real fitness is about living a healthy and fulfilling life.

The author of this article, Melanie Radzicki McManus, is a freelance writer specializing in hiking, travel, and fitness.