The Best Summer Recipes to Celebrate Grape Season in Australia

From roasted grapes to grape cocktails, here are ten delicious recipes to enjoy during peak grape season in Australia.


Anna Jones’s Roasted Grapes and Goat’s Cheese on Toast

Anna Jones’s recipe for roasted grapes and goat’s cheese on toast is a delectable combination of flavors. The grapes are roasted until they split and turn deep purple, then served on toasted sourdough with goat’s cheese, black pepper, and honey. It's a fancy toast with a burst of sweetness.

To try this recipe, simply roast the grapes until they're beautifully caramelized, then assemble the toasts with the goat's cheese and honey. The result is a delightful appetizer or snack that shines with the flavors of grape season.

Tom Hunt’s No-Waste Grapes

Don't let wrinkly or old grapes go to waste! Tom Hunt's recipe for no-waste grapes shows you how to transform these less-than-perfect grapes into something delicious. By slow-roasting them, you intensify their flavor and turn them into homemade raisins. Try adding them to baked goods or your next roast for a unique twist.

To make no-waste grapes, simply roast them in the oven until they shrivel and become raisin-like. You can use them in various recipes or enjoy them as a snack. It's a great way to make the most of every grape, even those that may seem past their prime.

Nik Sharma’s Grape, Cherry, and Bulgur Salad with Fresh Herbs

If you're looking for a refreshing salad, try Nik Sharma's grape, cherry, and bulgur salad with fresh herbs. This vibrant dish combines halved grapes, cherries, and finely diced capsicum with bulgur wheat. The dressing is generously seasoned to enhance the flavors of the ingredients, resulting in a flavorful and satisfying salad.

To prepare this salad, make sure to use seedless grapes and ripe cherries. Halve the grapes and pit the cherries before combining them with the diced capsicum. Season the dressing well and coat all the ingredients thoroughly. This salad is perfect served at room temperature alongside a roast chicken.


Yotam Ottolenghi’s Burrata with Chargrilled Grapes and Basil

Enjoy a light and refreshing lunch with Yotam Ottolenghi's burrata with chargrilled grapes and basil. This recipe features marinated grapes skewered and grilled to perfection, then served with burrata and bread. It's a simple yet elegant dish that showcases the flavors of the grapes.

To make this dish, soak the skewers in water to prevent burning, then grill the marinated grapes. Serve them with burrata and bread for a satisfying lunch or appetizer. The combination of flavors and textures is sure to impress.