The End of the Quantum Ice Age: Room Temperature Breakthrough

Researchers at EPFL have achieved a milestone in quantum mechanics by controlling quantum phenomena at room temperature, opening up new possibilities for quantum technology applications and the study of macroscopic quantum systems.


Overcoming the Cold Barrier

In the realm of quantum mechanics, observing and controlling quantum phenomena at room temperature has been a challenge. Traditionally, such observations were limited to near absolute zero temperatures where quantum effects are more easily detectable. However, EPFL researchers have made a breakthrough by achieving control of quantum phenomena at room temperature, overcoming the need for extreme cold.

This achievement has significant implications for the practical applications of quantum technology and the study of macroscopic quantum systems. The ability to operate in a room temperature environment opens up new avenues for quantum technology advancements.

Pioneering Study at EPFL

The study conducted at EPFL, led by Tobias J. Kippenberg and Nils Johan Engelsen, combines quantum physics and mechanical engineering to redefine the boundaries of what is possible. The researchers successfully realized the Heisenberg microscope, a theoretical toy model for room temperature quantum optomechanics.

Their experimental setup involved creating an ultra-low noise optomechanical system where light and mechanical motion interconnect. This setup allowed them to study and manipulate the interaction between light and moving objects with high precision, showcasing control over quantum phenomena at room temperature.

Innovative Experimental Setup

To tackle the challenge of thermal noise at room temperature, the researchers utilized specialized cavity mirrors. These mirrors trap light inside a confined space, enhancing its interaction with the mechanical elements in the system. Additionally, the mirrors feature crystal-like periodic structures to reduce thermal noise.

Another key component of the setup was a 4mm drum-like device called a mechanical oscillator. Its design and size allowed for isolation from environmental noise and facilitated the detection of subtle quantum phenomena at room temperature. The development of well-isolated mechanical oscillators has been a culmination of years of effort.

By achieving optical squeezing, a quantum phenomenon that reduces fluctuations in one variable at the expense of increasing another, the researchers demonstrated control and observation of quantum phenomena in a macroscopic system at room temperature. This breakthrough opens doors to new possibilities in quantum research and quantum technology.