The Internet Is About to Get Weird Again

The new year offers many of the promises of an online moment we haven’t seen in a quarter-century


A Shift in Power

The internet is undergoing a dramatic and messy era of change. There is widespread dissatisfaction with the dominant search engine, concerns about privacy with increasing online surveillance, and the difficulty of messaging friends across multiple platforms. Against this backdrop, there is an opportunity for new technologies and communities to reshape the internet. Power on the internet is shifting, and regulators are now actively involved in shaping the landscape. For example, tech giants like Apple are being forced to embrace changes like allowing alternate app stores on their devices, increasing consumer choice and possibly enabling different business models. This shift in power can benefit both consumers and the coders and designers creating the apps, sites, and games we use every day.

Returning to a more free-for-all nature of the internet could lead to the proliferation of unexpected and strange new products and services. In the past, technology was often created by local communities, non-profits, and individual creators, alongside giant corporations. By opening up the internet, we may see a resurgence of unique and diverse creations. This shift in power also provides an opportunity to break free from the control exerted by a small number of dominant companies.

The changes happening now are reminiscent of the internet in the early 2000s, where individual creators and local communities played a significant role in shaping the digital landscape. By understanding the historical precedents, we can better predict and actively participate in the changes that will shape the internet in the coming years.

Resurgence of the Human Web

Amidst all the changes happening on the internet, there is a resurgence of the human web. The boundaries between social media platforms are breaking down, leading to the rise of new social networks that cater to niche communities and interests. These networks evoke the spirit of the internet in the Nineties, where individuals and local creators played a significant role in shaping the online landscape.

The appeal of these new social networks lies in their complexity and multiplicity. While they may require more effort to get started, they offer a more diverse and open web experience. Users can explore different online neighborhoods, each with its own unique vibe. The resurgence of these human-run, personal-scale web communities is redefining the way we connect and share online.

In addition to social networks, there is a resurgence of individual creators who are keeping the spirit of the human, personal, and creative internet alive. Digital artists, activists, and programmers are exploring the boundaries of digital culture and creating unique and idiosyncratic creations that challenge the homogeneity of mainstream platforms. These creators are reimagining the possibilities of the internet and inspiring others to create their own distinct online experiences.

Embracing the Weird and Alternative

As the internet undergoes this period of change, there is a growing embrace of the weird and alternative. The internet shouldn't be dominated by a few major players but should offer a variety of human-scale alternative experiences. Similar to the concept of locally-sourced, ethically-produced food, the internet should provide alternatives that are unique, diverse, and created by individuals and communities.

While there will still be negative aspects and challenges on the internet, the shift in power and resurgence of the human web provide opportunities for positive change. By actively participating in shaping the internet and supporting independent creators, we can redefine the digital landscape and create a more inclusive and diverse online experience. The internet is about to get weird again, and that's a good thing.