The Likelihood of Quark Matter Cores in Massive Neutron Stars

Exploring a study shedding light on the probable existence of quark matter cores within massive neutron stars, utilizing advanced computational techniques and interdisciplinary expertise.


The Quest for Understanding Neutron Star Cores

Within the depths of massive neutron stars lies a realm where matter defies conventional understanding. An international collaborative effort led by researchers from the University of Helsinki has ventured into this cosmic domain, seeking answers to the fundamental question of neutron star cores possibly hosting quark matter.

Neutron stars, remnants of massive stellar explosions, captivate astrophysicists due to their unparalleled densities. Compressed within spheres of merely 25 kilometers in diameter, these astrophysical behemoths contain as much as two solar masses of matter. Their cores, subjected to unfathomable pressures, redefine the boundaries of our known universe.

The Groundbreaking Quantitative Estimate

Published in Nature Communications, the team's research presents a pivotal quantitative estimate. Based on current astrophysical observations, an astounding 80-90% likelihood emerges, suggesting the presence of quark-matter cores within the most massive neutron stars. However, a slight possibility remains, relying on a drastic phase transition from nuclear to quark matter.

The study highlights a critical aspect: the potential destabilization caused by a rapid phase transition. This dramatic change in neutron-star matter properties could lead to catastrophic consequences, potentially causing a star to collapse into a black hole, even with the formation of a minuscule quark-matter core.

Computational Techniques and Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Harnessing the prowess of advanced computational methods, the research conducted extensive supercomputer calculations. Utilizing Bayesian inference, a statistical approach comparing model parameters with observational data, the team delved deeper into the inner workings of neutron star matter.

Lead author Dr. Joonas Nättilä emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of this groundbreaking research. Astrophysics, particle physics, nuclear physics, and computer science converged in this effort, showcasing the collaborative spirit driving modern astrophysical discoveries.