The Prince and Princess of Wales in 2023

Omid Scobie's new book, Endgame, explores the dynamics within the royal family and raises questions about its future.


Prince William's Involvement

Omid Scobie, the author of Finding Freedom, has made provocative claims in his new book, Endgame. He suggests that it is Prince William who has portrayed his brother, Prince Harry, as mentally fragile.

Scobie reveals that William has been involved in many of the negative stories about Harry. While this may be unknown to the general public, it has been known within the industry.

These claims shed light on the strained relationship between the two brothers and the impact it has had on their public image.

The Favoritism Towards Kate

In his interview with The Times, Scobie discusses the way the UK press treats Prince William's wife, the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton.

He argues that Kate is often infantilized in the media, which lowers the expectations placed upon her. This means that even her smallest achievements are celebrated as impressive.

Scobie's observation raises questions about the unequal treatment of members of the royal family and how it affects their public perception.

The Crisis Within the Royal Family

Endgame also highlights the ongoing crisis faced by the royal family. Scobie suggests that there is a lack of interest from young people, a growing republican movement, and doubts about the family's adherence to the values upheld by the Queen.

He points out that the cast of characters within the royal family has been questionable, referring to Prince Andrew's association with Jeffrey Epstein.

Scobie's insights prompt reflection on the future of the monarchy and the need for the royal family to address these issues in order to survive.