‘There’s no winning strategy’: the pacy, visually stunning film about the dangers of AI – made by AI

Is artificial intelligence going to put artists out of a job? Alan Warburton decided to make a film posing that very question – using AI. The result was disturbingly watchable


The Wizard of AI: A Film Made Using AI

The Wizard of AI is a new documentary created by artist and filmmaker Alan Warburton, which explores the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on artists and creatives. What makes the film particularly fascinating is that it was made using generative AI tools, with Warburton estimating that 99% of the footage was generated by AI.

Warburton's aim with the film was to balance the AI hype that is often heard from CEOs and tech evangelists with a perspective from the artists whose jobs are being impacted by these new technologies. The result is a visually stunning, fast-paced documentary that uses AI to both entertain and warn of the potential dangers.

The film touches on several ethical concerns that arise when using AI in the creative process. Warburton found himself running into issues of copyright and originality when asking the AI to generate scenes in a particular artist's style or genre. Additionally, he grappled with the question of whether using AI is contributing to the further development of AI itself, and the potential consequences of that.

A Subversive Message in a Visually Stunning Film

While The Wizard of AI is visually impressive, it also carries a subversive message about the impact of AI on artists and creatives. One of the film's smartest passages tells the story of 'the death of the artist' in the style of a noir graphic novel, with an AI program cast as the mafia boss/hitman. Warburton uses this narrative to explore the ways in which AI is affecting the art world.

The documentary seeks to raise awareness about the rights of artists in an increasingly AI-driven landscape. Warburton believes that artists and creatives have a unique perspective to offer, and that their voices should not be drowned out by the AI hype. By using AI to create his film, Warburton aims to highlight the potential dangers while also showcasing the artistic possibilities that AI offers.

However, Warburton acknowledges the complexity of using AI in the creative process. He faced ethical dilemmas and concerns about the impact of AI on artists' livelihoods. He also grappled with the question of whether AI-generated content can truly replace the work of human artists. Despite these challenges, Warburton believes in the resilience of artists and their ability to adapt to technological advancements.

The Future of AI in the Art World

The Wizard of AI raises important questions about the role of AI in the art world and its potential impact on artists. Warburton's film demonstrates the power and potential of AI as a creative tool, but also highlights the ethical considerations and challenges that arise.

The film concludes with a hopeful message, suggesting that artists will find a way to navigate these changes and continue to create meaningful art. Warburton emphasizes the resilience and adaptability of artists, while also acknowledging the need for ongoing discussions about the impact of AI on the art world.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and art, Warburton's film serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the possibilities and pitfalls that lie ahead. The Wizard of AI is a visually stunning and intellectually engaging documentary that encourages viewers to question the relationship between AI and art.

As AI continues to advance, it is clear that artists and creatives will need to stay informed and engaged in order to shape the future of their field. The Wizard of AI is a timely reminder of the importance of artistic voices in the age of AI.