These 3 exercises found to be the best for treating depression

A new study adds to evidence that exercise is a treatment option for depression.


The Study and Exercise Findings

A recent study published in The BMJ has provided further evidence that exercise can be an effective treatment option for depression. The study highlighted various exercises that have been shown to reduce depressive symptoms, either independently or when combined with therapy and medications.

The study found that the intensity of the activity was a key factor in its effectiveness. Walking or jogging, yoga, and strength training were identified as the top three exercises for reducing depression. Yoga, in particular, was found to be the most effective compared to other forms of exercise studied.

Furthermore, the study noted that both yoga and strength training were well-tolerated exercises, meaning they could be performed comfortably without causing significant discomfort or pain.

Unique Benefits of Different Types of Exercise

Dr. Neha Chaudhary, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, highlighted the unique benefits that each type of exercise can have on mental health. Some exercises promote mindfulness and keep individuals in the moment, while others leave them with a sense of accomplishment. There are also exercises that can provide intense boosts in feel-good hormones in the brain.

As a result, Dr. Chaudhary recommends exercise to almost all of her patients to help improve their mental health. She explains that different individuals may benefit from different types of exercise, and it's important to find the one that suits their needs and preferences.

The study's authors acknowledged the need for further research to validate the effectiveness of different types of exercise in addressing depression.

Advice for Getting Started with Exercise

Doctors stress the importance of focusing on an exercise form that individuals enjoy rather than prioritizing one type of exercise as the best. Dr. Chaudhary encourages patients to vary their exercise routines and try out different activities. She explains that individuals may be pleasantly surprised by the positive effects of trying something new.

In terms of making recommendations, Dr. Chaudhary suggests considering exercise as a diverse and varied practice. Adding variety to one's exercise routine, such as incorporating yoga or strength training, can provide a combination of different benefits.

As the study supports exercise as a treatment option for depression, it can provide clinicians with more informed recommendations tailored to individual needs.