Three Killed, 6 Injured in Hamas-Claimed Terror Shooting at Jerusalem Bus Stop

Three people were killed and six were wounded, two of them seriously, in a terror shooting attack, later claimed by Hamas, at the entrance to Jerusalem on Thursday morning, police and medics said.


Attack Details

According to police, at around 7:40 a.m. two Palestinian gunmen got out of a vehicle on Weizman Street at the main entrance to the capital and opened fire at people at a bus stop.

Police said two off-duty soldiers and an armed civilian in the area returned fire, killing the two terrorists.

The terrorists were named as brothers Murad Nemer, 38, and Ibrahim Nemer, 30, from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sur Baher.

Victims and Perpetrators

The victims were named later as Livia Dickman, 24, Ashdod rabbinical judge Elimelech Wasserman, 73, and Hannah Ifergan, who was in her 60s.

The terrorists were Hamas members and had been previously jailed for terror activity.

According to the Shin Bet security agency, Murad was jailed between 2010 and 2020 for planning terror attacks, and Ibrahim was jailed in 2014 for undisclosed terror activity.

Hamas Claim of Responsibility

On Thursday afternoon, Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack and hailed the perpetrators as 'jihad-waging martyrs.'

The group claimed the attack was in response to Israel's actions in Gaza and the killing of two children in Jenin by Israeli forces.

Hamas called for an 'escalation of resistance' and vowed to avenge the blood of the martyrs.


Ceasefire and Security Measures

The attacks come amidst a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, which has been holding for the past six days.

Tensions have been high in Israel and the West Bank since October, and security measures have been increased.

The IDF has continued to operate throughout the West Bank and police have been on high alert in Israel.