Tim Cook Introduces Apple Vision Pro as 'Spatial Computing'

Apple's new Vision Pro headsets are set to debut next month, but Apple doesn't want you to call them headsets. Instead, they want you to use the term 'spatial computing.' This article explores what this term means and why Apple is choosing to use it.


What is 'Spatial Computing'?

Apple is introducing its latest high-tech headsets called Vision Pro, but they prefer to use the term 'spatial computing' instead of headsets. But what exactly does 'spatial computing' mean?

According to Apple, 'spatial computing' refers to the ability of a device to understand and interact with the physical world in a three-dimensional space. It combines technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), extended reality (XR), and mixed reality (MR). Essentially, it's a way of describing a device that creates immersive experiences by seamlessly blending the real and virtual worlds.

By using the term 'spatial computing,' Apple aims to convey the idea that the Vision Pro headsets offer a unique and advanced way of interacting with digital content. It suggests that these headsets go beyond traditional AR or VR devices by providing a more encompassing experience.

Apple's Marketing Strategy

Apple's choice to use 'spatial computing' instead of more familiar terms like AR or VR may seem puzzling, but it reflects their marketing strategy and positioning. By introducing a new term, Apple aims to differentiate its headsets from competitors and create a sense of novelty.

Furthermore, Apple may believe that terms like AR or VR come with preconceptions and limitations. They want to emphasize that the Vision Pro headsets offer something more advanced and innovative than what people may associate with AR or VR.

While this approach may confuse some potential customers initially, Apple is confident that the experiences offered by the Vision Pro headsets will speak for themselves once people try them firsthand.

The Uncertainty and Excitement

Despite Apple's confidence in the term 'spatial computing,' there is still uncertainty and debate surrounding its effectiveness. Critics argue that the term may not resonate with the general public, who are more familiar with terms like AR or VR.

Additionally, Apple's teaser ad for the Vision Pro headsets, featuring famous movie clips, has left many viewers excited but also wanting more information. The ad focuses on the experience of wearing the headsets rather than explaining what users can expect from them.

Ultimately, the success of Apple's marketing strategy and the acceptance of the term 'spatial computing' will be determined once the Vision Pro headsets are released and users can evaluate their capabilities and value.