Two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI

Scientists have discovered a unique two-dimensional heavy fermion state in the compound CeSiI, which is made up of two-dimensional metallic sheets held together by weak interlayer van der Waals (vdW) interactions. This discovery opens up new possibilities for studying dimensionally confined heavy fermions and employing 2D device fabrication techniques.



Heavy-fermion metals are known for exhibiting emergent quantum phases driven by electronic interactions. However, the dimensional reduction of these materials has been a challenge as traditional intermetallic heavy-fermion compounds have three-dimensional atomic and electronic structures.

In a recent study, researchers report comprehensive thermodynamic and spectroscopic evidence of an antiferromagnetically ordered heavy-fermion ground state in CeSiI. CeSiI is an intermetallic compound consisting of two-dimensional metallic sheets held together by weak interlayer van der Waals (vdW) interactions. Due to its vdW nature, CeSiI has a quasi-2D electronic structure, and its physical dimension can be controlled through exfoliation.

The emergence of coherent hybridization of f and conduction electrons at low temperature was confirmed by temperature evolution of angle-resolved photoemission and scanning tunnelling spectra near the Fermi level and by heat capacity measurements. Electrical transport measurements on few-layer flakes also revealed heavy-fermion behaviour and magnetic order down to the ultra-thin regime.

Unique Platform for Study

The discovery of heavy fermions in a two-dimensional material like CeSiI provides a unique platform for studying dimensionally confined heavy fermions in bulk crystals. It also opens up new possibilities for employing 2D device fabrication techniques and van der Waals heterostructures to manipulate the interplay between Kondo screening, magnetic order, and proximity effects.

This research has important implications for the field of condensed matter physics and could lead to new insights into emergent quantum phases and electronic interactions in novel materials.


The discovery of two-dimensional heavy fermions in the van der Waals metal CeSiI represents a significant breakthrough in the field of condensed matter physics. By studying the dimensionally confined heavy fermions in bulk crystals, researchers can gain a better understanding of emergent quantum phases and electronic interactions. This research also paves the way for the development of new device fabrication techniques and the manipulation of magnetic order in two-dimensional materials.

Further studies are needed to explore the full potential of CeSiI and related materials and to uncover the underlying mechanisms behind the emergence of heavy fermions in two dimensions.