UAE to Chair World Bank's Cloud Computing Working Group

The United Arab Emirates has been appointed as the chair of the World Bank's Cloud Computing Working Group in recognition of its cybersecurity support for government and private sector entities.


UAE Appointed Chair of World Bank's Cloud Computing Working Group

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been chosen to lead the World Bank's Cloud Computing Working Group, according to a statement by the government of Dubai. The UAE's appointment highlights its commitment to cybersecurity and its efforts in supporting government and private sector entities in adopting secure cloud systems.

The Middle East public cloud market is anticipated to reach a value of $9.9 billion by 2027. However, companies in the region face significant cyber threats related to connected devices and cloud systems, as stated in PricewaterhouseCoopers' 'Digital Trust Insights 2024' report.

Dr. Bushra AlBlooshi, senior consultant research and innovation at Dubai Electronic Security Center, stated that the UAE's appointment demonstrates its leading position in future technologies, especially in the field of cloud computing. The Cloud Computing Working Group consists of 27 nations, international groups, and companies, and its next focus is on providing guidance on data sovereignty.

Cybersecurity Threats in the Middle East

According to a regional survey conducted for PricewaterhouseCoopers' report, cyber threats related to connected devices and cloud systems are significant concerns for companies in the Middle East.

With the Middle East public cloud market expected to reach a valuation of $9.9 billion by 2027, securing cloud systems and addressing cyber threats is crucial for organizations in the region. Implementing strong cybersecurity measures and collaborating with partners, such as the World Bank's Cloud Computing Working Group, can help mitigate these risks.

Future Implications of Cloud Computing

The appointment of the UAE as the chair of the World Bank's Cloud Computing Working Group highlights the country's leadership in emerging technologies, particularly in the field of cloud computing.

Cloud computing has become increasingly essential for government entities and private sector companies. As organizations rely more on cloud systems, the need for robust cybersecurity solutions and data sovereignty guidance becomes paramount. The UAE's appointment positions the country as a leader in shaping the future of cloud computing and ensuring its secure adoption.