US Imposes Visa Bans on Individuals Involved in West Bank Violence

The US has announced visa bans on individuals involved in violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, following warnings to Israel about preventing violence by Jewish settlers.


US Implements Visa Bans

The US has started imposing visa bans on individuals who have been involved in violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. This comes after multiple appeals to Israel to take stronger action against violence by Jewish settlers.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the new visa restriction policy, which targets those believed to have undermined peace, security, or stability in the West Bank through acts of violence or actions that restrict civilians' access to essential services and basic necessities.

President Joe Biden and other senior US officials have consistently warned Israel to take action to stop violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank. Attacks have increased as Jewish settlements continue to expand, especially after the Hamas attacks on Israel in October.

Calls for Action on Both Sides

During a visit to Israel last week, Blinken emphasized to Israeli officials that they need to do more to stop extremist violence against Palestinians and hold those responsible accountable. He also urged Palestinian leaders to do more to curb attacks against Israelis in the West Bank.

The first round of visa bans will be implemented immediately, and more designations will be made in the coming days. It is expected that dozens of individuals, and potentially their family members, will be impacted by this action.

Existing US visa holders in Israel who are targeted by the visa bans will be notified that their visa has been revoked.

Israel's Response and Legal Disputes

Israel has occupied the West Bank since the 1967 Middle East war, which Palestinians consider the core of their future independent state. Israel has constructed Jewish settlements in the West Bank, which are deemed illegal by most countries. However, Israel disputes this and cites historical and biblical ties to the land.

When asked about settler violence, Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated that only Israeli authorities have the right to use violence. He emphasized that Israel is a state of law and violence should only be used by those certified by the government.

While the US acknowledges that Israel has taken some steps to address the West Bank violence, they believe that individuals involved should be prosecuted rather than put in administrative detention.