US Retaliatory Strikes in Iraq and Syria Against Iran-Linked Targets

The US military launched airstrikes on Friday in Iraq and Syria against more than 85 targets linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and the militias it backs, in retaliation for last weekend's attack in Jordan that killed three US troops.


Escalation of Conflict in the Middle East

The US military conducted airstrikes on Friday in Iraq and Syria, targeting over 85 Iran-linked targets in retaliation for the attack in Jordan that claimed the lives of three US troops.

These strikes indicate a further escalation of conflict in the Middle East, following Israel's recent war with Palestinian Hamas militants in Gaza.

The airstrikes targeted various installations, including command and control centers, rockets, missiles, and drone storage facilities.

Successful Strikes Triggered by Jordan Attack

The strikes were aimed at the Quds Force, the foreign espionage and paramilitary arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which influences allied militias across the Middle East.

US Lieutenant General Douglas Sims stated that the strikes appeared to be successful, with secondary explosions indicating the destruction of militant weaponry.

While it remains unclear if any militants were killed, the strikes were a direct response to the attack in Jordan and signaled a significant retaliation.

International Responses and Future Actions

The Syrian Defense Ministry condemned the US airstrikes, claiming that the attacks resulted in civilian and soldier casualties, as well as damage to public and private property.

The Iraqi military viewed the strikes as a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and warned of potential consequences that could ignite instability in the region.

As per President Joe Biden's statement, these airstrikes are just the beginning of the US response, and further actions against Iran and its proxies can be expected.