Varjo XR-4 Will Get a SteamVR Tracking Variant and Sell Direct to Prosumers

Varjo has announced its latest headset, the XR-4, which will be sold directly to consumers and without a hefty annual fee. The XR-4 is targeting high-end enterprise use-cases and is the cheapest of the company's enterprise-positioned headsets. It also has a variant that ties into the SteamVR Tracking ecosystem.


Varjo XR-4: A Direct-to-Consumer Headset for Prosumers

Varjo has introduced its newest headset, the XR-4, which marks the company's first direct-to-consumer offering within their 'XR' series. Unlike previous models, the XR-4 does not require a hefty annual fee to use. This move allows prosumers to access Varjo's high-end enterprise technology at a more affordable price.

The Varjo Aero, released in 2021, was the first prosumer-positioned headset from the company. While it was a high-end device, it had lower specifications compared to Varjo's flagship headsets. With the XR-4, Varjo is focusing on creating the highest-fidelity tethered headset on the market.

SteamVR Tracking Integration and Pricing

In addition to its own inside-out tracking system, Varjo will be offering a variant of the XR-4 that integrates with the SteamVR Tracking ecosystem. However, this option comes at an additional cost of $1,000. The company has confirmed that this variant can switch between SteamVR Tracking and the headset's own inside-out tracking.

Alternatively, users can choose to add SteamVR Tracking to the base variant of the XR-4 by attaching a third-party device like the Tundra Tracker. However, this method requires additional steps compared to having SteamVR Tracking built directly into the headset.

Joining the XR-4 Consumer Waitlist

Varjo is currently accepting invitations to join the consumer waitlist for the XR-4. Once on the waitlist, individuals will be notified when the headset becomes available in their country. This allows interested customers to stay informed about the release and be among the first to purchase the XR-4.

With the XR-4, Varjo is expanding its reach beyond the enterprise market and catering to prosumers who have the means to invest in high-end VR technology. The company's direct-to-consumer approach without an annual fee opens up new possibilities for VR enthusiasts.