Vatican approves blessings for same-sex couples in landmark ruling

The Vatican has made a landmark ruling, approved by Pope Francis, stating that Roman Catholic priests can administer blessings to same-sex couples as long as they are not part of regular Church rituals or liturgies.


Vatican Approves Blessings for Same-Sex Couples

In a major shift, the Vatican has approved the administration of blessings to same-sex couples by Roman Catholic priests.

However, these blessings cannot be part of regular Church rituals or liturgies and should not be confused with the sacrament of heterosexual marriage.

The decision was made in a document issued by the Vatican's doctrinal office, reversing a previous declaration and allowing priests to offer blessings on a case-by-case basis.

Sign of God's Welcome

The Vatican's document states that blessings for same-sex couples are not meant to legitimize irregular situations but rather to be a sign that God welcomes all.

It emphasizes that priests should not prevent or prohibit the Church from providing help and support to individuals seeking God's blessings.

The decision reflects Pope Francis' efforts to make the Church more inclusive to the LGBT community without changing moral doctrine.

Reactions and Controversy

Prominent figures within the Catholic Church, such as Father James Martin and Francis DeBernardo, have praised the document as a major step forward and an important recognition of the desires of Catholic same-sex couples for God's presence in their relationships.

However, the ruling is expected to face opposition from conservatives, who consider it an invitation to schism within the Church.

The document clarifies that the form of the blessing should not resemble the rituals of the Sacrament of Marriage and provides suggestions for alternative contexts where the blessings can take place.