Venezuela and Guyana to Meet Amid Territorial Dispute

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro will meet with Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali to discuss their long-running territorial dispute over the Esequibo region.


Bilateral Meeting to Address Border Dispute

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is set to meet with Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali on December 14 to discuss the ongoing territorial dispute between the two countries. The meeting was confirmed after a conversation between Maduro, Guyana's prime minister, and the U.N. Secretary-General.

Tensions have been rising between Venezuela and Guyana due to the long-running border dispute, particularly over the Esequibo region. This area in Guyana has seen significant offshore oil and gas discoveries, adding to the contentious nature of the issue.

The aim of the meeting, according to Venezuela's government, is to preserve peace in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, Guyana has made it clear that their land boundary is not up for negotiation.

International Involvement and Support

The international community has been closely monitoring the situation between Venezuela and Guyana. After voters in Venezuela rejected the International Court of Justice's jurisdiction over the disputed area, several countries have expressed their concerns.

Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has called for dialogue between the two nations and emphasized the need to avoid unilateral actions that could escalate tensions. Lula has also been invited as an observer to the upcoming meeting.

The United States and Brazil are consulting each other on the border dispute, with both governments expressing their support for Guyana's sovereignty and advocating for a peaceful resolution.

Implications and Future Steps

The outcome of the meeting between Maduro and Ali will have significant implications for the ongoing territorial dispute. Both leaders will likely discuss potential solutions and ways to de-escalate tensions.

It remains to be seen how the international community will respond to the outcome of the meeting and whether further actions will be taken to address the dispute.

The situation between Venezuela and Guyana highlights the complex nature of border disputes and the importance of diplomatic dialogue in resolving such conflicts.