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Learn the importance of engaging your core and how to build core strength with these exercises.


What Exactly is Your Core?

When it comes to core strength, it's not just about having visible abs. Your core muscles include not only your abdominal muscles but also the muscles in your back and pelvic floor. These muscles support your spine and stabilize your trunk, allowing you to perform everyday movements with ease.

Having a strong core gives you the ability to rotate and twist your torso, providing the power needed for various physical activities. So, it's important to focus on strengthening all the muscles that make up your core, not just your abs.

How to Properly Engage Your Core

Contrary to popular belief, engaging your core is not about sucking in your belly. This action can actually weaken your core and lead to chronic pain. Instead, focus on a bracing action that you should feel when activating your core.

To engage your core properly, practice regular breathing exercises. When exhaling, your stomach naturally pulls back in, and that's where you'll feel the core activation. Visualize being a boxer about to get punched in the stomach or imagine drawing your belly button inward to the back of your spine. These visualization techniques can help you better understand how to engage your core.

Recommended Exercises for Building Core Strength

Planks are one of the most effective exercises for building core strength. They require you to hold your body in a straight line, activating your core muscles. Start with a 10-second hold for two sets and gradually increase the time as you gain strength.

Another recommended exercise is the hundred, a core-blasting Pilates exercise. Lift your neck and chest with shoulders off the mat, extend your arms in front, and lift your legs off the ground. Crunch up while simultaneously pumping your arms up and down. Aim for one set of 100 reps.

Consistency is key when it comes to building core strength. Incorporate one to two core moves in every workout, even if you can only work out once a week. Results may start to appear in as little as eight weeks, but for best results, practice core exercises at least three times a week.