Vince Staples: Connecting People Through Music and TV

Vince Staples, the rapper and artist, discusses his new Netflix series and his passion for connecting people through his work.


The Vince Staples Show: Exploring Fame and Notoriety

Vince Staples is not just a rapper, but a multifaceted artist. In his new Netflix series, The Vince Staples Show, he plays a version of himself, navigating the complexities of fame and unknown. Staples treats notoriety as both a boon and a nuisance, showing the confusing aura surrounding success.

Despite being green-lit a few years ago, the series faced delays due to the pandemic. In the meantime, Staples released two successful albums and worked on other projects, such as directing music videos and starring in a film. The Vince Staples Show stands out due to its suspenseful storytelling and strong supporting cast.

Staples sees the series as part of his larger goal of connecting people and humanizing characters. He explains that he approaches his art with a meticulous game plan and a desire to engage with his audience. Staples believes in the power of interdisciplinary art and is grateful for the opportunity to create.

Who is Vince Staples? Breaking Down Perception

Staples reflects on the recurring question, "Who is Vince Staples?" He believes that people are defined by their perception, and factors like class, money, race, and political affiliation can create separation. The question itself is a commentary on how society views individuals with success or wealth. Staples sees everyone as equals, emphasizing that at the core, we are all the same.

When it comes to notoriety, Staples remains humble. Despite his achievements, he does not seek overwhelming fame or attention. He is grateful for the opportunity to create and make a living from his art, regardless of his level of recognition. Staples maintains a simple life, allowing him the time to ruminate on his thoughts and create.

Creating the Vince Staples Show: A Long Process

The Vince Staples Show was an idea Staples had several years ago. Although it faced initial setbacks, Staples continued to pursue other creative endeavors, such as voice-acting and auditioning for roles. He also continued making music and exploring visual elements in his projects. Eventually, the opportunity to develop the show came when he met Kenya Barris, who expressed interest in helping bring the show to life.

Staples emphasizes the importance of relationships and collaboration in the creative process. He draws inspiration from past musicians who successfully transitioned into film and television. Staples takes each opportunity seriously and works hard to create something of high quality. He aims to push boundaries and elevate his performances and music.