Want to keep your joints healthy and strong? Follow these 5 simple steps

Learn how to maintain healthy joints as you age with these expert tips.


Build strength across the body

To maintain healthy joints, it's important to engage all muscles and joints through full-body strength training workouts like pilates and yoga. This helps prevent overworking certain joints and allows for a full range of motion. Physiotherapist Liam Goode recommends starting at your own pace and gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts.

Insufficient movement of the cartilage surrounding the joints can lead to dryness and cracking, so it's important to keep the joints moving. A yoga flow routine is particularly beneficial for younger individuals in their 20s.

By incorporating exercises that engage all muscles and joints, you can improve joint health and prevent pain and limitations to movement and flexibility.

Move every 20 to 30 minutes

Sitting for extended periods of time can be detrimental to joint health. To avoid negative impacts, it's recommended to move away from your workstation every 20-30 minutes, even if it's just for a short walk or to make coffee. This helps break the routine and allows you to become more aware of your posture when you return to sitting.

Taking brief exercise breaks, also known as "exercise snacks," throughout the day can have a positive impact on your overall health. These can be as simple as a minute or two of physical activity, such as stretching or walking.

Incorporating regular movement into your day helps maintain joint flexibility and reduces the risk of stiffness and discomfort.

Strengthen your shoulders

The shoulder joint is inherently unstable and relies heavily on muscular support for stability. Exercising the arms and focusing on grip strength can help strengthen the shoulder joints.

Simple exercises like clenching your hand into a tight fist and then opening your fingers as far as they'll go can be beneficial. Aim to perform these exercises 10 to 15 times a day to improve grip strength and support the shoulders.

By strengthening the shoulders, you can enhance joint stability and reduce the risk of injuries and pain.


Wear proper footwear

Choosing the right footwear is essential for maintaining healthy joints. Opt for solid, broad-soled sneakers that offer adequate arch support and stability. Those with flat feet may benefit from additional arch support, while individuals with high-arch feet should consider more neutral running shoes.

For those who enjoy wearing heels, it's recommended to choose shorter heels or wedges to distribute pressure more evenly across the feet. This helps reduce strain on the joints and prevents discomfort.

Proper footwear can help reduce the impact on joints and provide the necessary support for healthy joint function.