“We’re All Mysterious to Each Other”: Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore on May December

The leading duo of Todd Haynes’ new film talks with Them about their on-set chemistry.


Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore on the Film's Queerness and Power Dynamics

In May December, the latest film from Todd Haynes, Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore play two strong women with an intense and unusual relationship. Although their characters are not related and not lovers, they share an intimate connection that is both admiring and combative. Moore describes it as a power struggle, with an exploration of femaleness and performance. She explains that the closeness they experienced as characters and actors allowed for an exploration of eroticism and the complexities of their dynamic.

Portman adds that playing the roles of Elizabeth and Gracie was super fun and felt safe because of the supportive atmosphere created by Moore and Haynes. Despite the malicious and manipulative nature of their characters, Portman emphasizes that their interactions were never personal. The combativeness in the writing and the battle over whose truth would prevail added depth to their performances and relationship.

Both actresses recognize the mysterious nature of understanding others and ourselves. They discuss the constant effort in literature, film, and art to grasp the truth and the complexity of representing characters based on real people or inspired by reality. They acknowledge that as actors, they can approximate experiences but will never truly understand what it is like to be someone else. The film's exploration of identity and the struggle to understand resonated with their own experiences in the industry.

The Collaboration Between Script, Direction, and Performance

When it comes to the nuances of the characters in May December, Portman and Moore attribute their depth to a combination of factors. They highlight the richness of the script, which revealed layers of subtext as they delved into their roles. Todd Haynes' direction and his framing and editing choices created an atmospheric landscape for them to inhabit. The overall tone of the film, as well as the casting choices, also contributed to the final product.

The collaboration between the script, direction, and the actors' performances allowed for a rich exploration of the characters and their stories. It was a synergistic process where each element enhanced and added to the others. The result is a film that delves into the complexities of identity, performance, and understanding, leaving viewers with a sense of mystery and a constant desire to uncover the truth.

May December Streams on Netflix

On December 1st, May December will be available for streaming on Netflix, allowing a wider audience to experience the captivating performances of Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore. The film, directed by Todd Haynes, immerses viewers in a world of deception, sensuality, and hidden truths. Through the on-screen chemistry and dynamic between Portman and Moore, May December explores the depths of human connection and the complexities of identity and performance.

Don't miss out on this intriguing film that will leave you questioning the mysteries that exist within ourselves and others. Stream May December on Netflix and witness the power of Natalie Portman and Julianne Moore's performances.