What's Going On With 'Reacher' Season 2 Fight Choreography?

Reacher season 2 seems to have lost its hard-hitting fight choreography that made season 1 so memorable.


Season 1 vs. Season 2

Season 1 of Reacher was a favorite for many viewers, with its intense fight scenes and memorable sequences.

However, season 2 is lacking in comparison, with the action not living up to the same level.

It's particularly noticeable in scenes like the fight between Reacher's team and a motorcycle gang, where the choreography feels cartoony and gimmicky.

Losing Reacher's Shine

One of the factors contributing to the decline in fight choreography is Reacher being forced to fight alongside a team in most action scenes.

This limits his ability to shine in the fights like he did in season 1.

Instead, we get 1v1 encounters with each team member, making Reacher just a guest star in his own show's fights.

Strange Sequences

Season 2 also features strange and un-Reacher-like fight sequences, such as him quietly strangling two guys on a bus and pulling another guy under a truck.

These moments are far from the classic Reacher fights that fans were expecting.

It's clear that the show has lost something in terms of quality and consistency.