Who Is Guillaume Verdon, the Leader of the Tech Elite’s 'E/Acc' Movement?

Forbes has learned that Guillaume Verdon, the founder of stealth AI startup Extropic and a former Google engineer, is behind the provocative Twitter account leading the “effective accelerationism” movement sweeping Silicon Valley.


Introduction to Effective Accelerationism

At its core, effective accelerationism embraces the idea that social problems can be solved purely with advances in technology, rather than by messy human deliberation.

Verdon believes that computers will eventually be able to solve legal problems and that law is simply natural language code for operating the system.

Not everyone agrees with this approach, arguing that engineering is not the answer to societal problems.

The Jezos Persona: Guillaume Verdon's Identity

Forbes has identified Guillaume Verdon as the person behind the anonymous Twitter account known as Jezos.

Verdon confirmed in an interview that he is behind the account and extolled the e/acc philosophy.

Verdon believes that the Jezos persona has been instrumental in attracting talent, investors, and partnerships for his AI hardware startup, Extropic.

Reactions to E/ACC and Future Vision

The e/acc movement is a reaction against effective altruism and AI safety advocates, embracing a more libertarian, right-wing perspective.

Verdon believes in open-sourcing AI technology to prevent it from falling into the hands of a single company.

Critics argue that the e/acc movement oversimplifies the complexities of social life and lacks a clear social vision.