Who’s attending COP28 in Dubai — and who’s giving it a miss?

Find out which countries and leaders are attending COP28 in Dubai and who will not be present.


Important Attendees

COP28, the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will be held in Dubai, has garnered significant attention. Numerous world leaders and countries will be attending the conference to discuss and address the pressing issue of climate change.

Among the prominent attendees are leaders from developed countries such as the United States, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. These nations have consistently shown strong commitment to combating climate change and will be presenting their policies, goals, and initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable practices.

Additionally, several developing countries will also be present at COP28. These include India, Brazil, China, and South Africa, which are key contributors to global emissions. Their participation is crucial in order to establish a holistic approach towards achieving climate goals and ensuring a just transition for all nations.

Notable Absences

While many countries and leaders are actively participating in COP28, there are some notable absences. One significant absence is that of Russia, which has chosen not to attend the conference. As one of the world's largest greenhouse gas emitters, Russia's absence raises concerns about the commitment of the country to tackling climate change.

Another notable absence is the Prime Minister of Japan, who has declined to attend COP28. Japan, a country known for its technological advancements and strong environmental policies, was expected to play a significant role in shaping the discussions and negotiations at the conference.

Additionally, there are certain countries that are grappling with domestic challenges and will not be attending COP28. These include Afghanistan and Haiti, which are currently dealing with political and humanitarian crises. Despite their absence, efforts must still be made to ensure that their concerns and interests are represented during the conference.

The Importance of Global Participation

The attendance of world leaders and countries at COP28 is crucial in addressing the urgent climate crisis. With countries collectively working towards the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, it is vital that all nations come together to share knowledge, set ambitious targets, and implement effective strategies to achieve sustainable development.

The absence of certain countries raises concerns about the global commitment to climate action. International collaboration and cooperation are essential for successfully mitigating climate change and building resilience to its impacts. COP28 provides a platform for dialogue, negotiation, and agreement on crucial policies and measures that will shape the future of our planet.

Efforts should also be made to engage non-governmental organizations, civil society, and the private sector in this critical conference. Their active participation and contribution are instrumental in driving innovation, mobilizing financial resources, and fostering partnerships that can accelerate climate action and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.