Why Google transformed a quantum computing lab into an artistic oasis

Advanced technology labs are not places where you're likely to find much creative artistic expression, let alone color. But a scientist and an artist have joined forces to help inspire the development of the next generation of computing at Google’s Quantum A.I. Lab.


Creating an Artistic Workspace

Forest Stearns, an artist in residence at Google Quantum A.I. Lab, collaborated with Erik Lucero, the engineer in charge of developing Google's quantum A.I. computer, to turn the lab into an artistic oasis. They aimed to create a space where art, technology, architecture, and nature seamlessly blend together.

Stearns and Lucero share a fascination with both art and science, and they wanted to bring those elements into their workspace to inspire innovation. They incorporated art installations, sculptures, and even artistic design on the quantum computers themselves.

Emphasizing the Connection with Nature

Since quantum computing relies on the principles of physics, Stearns and Lucero wanted to highlight the connection between quantum computing and nature in their artistic endeavors. The art installations and designs were inspired by natural elements, such as landscapes and the environment.

One artist, Ravis Henry, a park ranger and jewelry maker, contributed his work to the project. His metal craft pieces were incorporated into the design of the quantum cryostats, blending art and science together seamlessly.

Fostering Creativity and Inspiration

The goal of transforming the lab into an artistic oasis was to cultivate creativity and inspiration among the researchers and engineers working there. By surrounding themselves with vibrant colors and artistic expressions, the team believes that they can foster a more creative thinking space.

The intersection of art and technology is not new, and this project seeks to bridge the gap between the two fields. For Stearns and Lucero, art is not only a way to make quantum physics more accessible, but also a means to amplify humanity and inspire greatness.