Why You Shouldn't Wear Apple Vision Pro While Skiing

Discover the reasons why wearing the Apple Vision Pro as ski goggles may not be a good idea.


The Issues with Skiing Using Apple Vision Pro

When the Apple Vision Pro was compared to ski goggles, many wondered if it could be worn while skiing. However, there are a few reasons why this may not be a good idea. One of the primary concerns is the bulky battery pack that comes with the Vision Pro. This can make wearing them uncomfortable and impractical on the slopes.

Recently, some YouTubers tested out the Apple Vision Pro as ski goggles. Eugene YK Chung and Ali Salman shared their experiences through videos. While the videos are short, Eugene offers more insights into why the Vision Pro is not suitable for skiing.

According to Eugene, when skiing downhill, a notification pops up on the Vision Pro screen, indicating that you're moving too fast. This causes all the apps to disappear until you slow down. This can be frustrating and distracting while trying to ski. Additionally, the Vision Pro is a high-priced item, starting at $3499, making it risky to wear while skiing as a single crash could result in costly damage.


Based on the experiences and insights shared by YouTubers, it's clear that the Apple Vision Pro is not suitable for skiing. The bulky battery pack, notification interruptions, and the risk of damaging an expensive device make it impractical to use on the slopes. For now, it's best to explore other options for ski goggles.

It's important to note that this article is based on the experiences of individuals and may not reflect everyone's experience with the Apple Vision Pro. However, if you're considering using it for skiing, it's essential to be aware of these potential issues.

Image/Video Credits

Image/Video Credits: Eugene YK Chung, Ali Salman

For more ski-related content and updates, you can reach out to the author, Ian Wood, at ian@unofficialnetworks.com.