You’ll Pay More to See the Mona Lisa: The Louvre Is Raising Its Admission Price

The Louvre Museum has announced that it will be increasing its basic ticket price in preparation for the Summer Olympics in Paris.


The Louvre Raises Admission Price

The Louvre Museum has announced that it will be raising its basic ticket price from 17 euros to 22 euros starting next month. This increase of approximately 30 percent is part of the museum's efforts to offset rising energy costs and support their free admission programs for local residents. The Louvre expects to have welcomed nearly 9 million visitors by the end of this year.

While this price hike is not directly connected to the Paris Summer Olympics, it is seen as part of a larger trend of increasing costs in the French capital. With the city preparing to host nearly 10 million people for the Games, there have been discussions of doubling the price of a Metro ride and raising hotel rates, leading to concerns of price gouging.

A Broader Revamp Underway

The Louvre's increased admission price is part of a broader revamp that has been in progress since 2021. The museum's president and director, Laurence des Cars, has been working to overhaul the state-owned institution. As part of this revamp, plans are underway to open a new entrance on the museum's easternmost facade to alleviate congestion.

Des Cars hopes that these changes will help re-enchant Parisians who have been deterred by the overwhelming crowds of tourists. The Louvre houses a vast collection of over 33,000 works of art, including the famous Mona Lisa. The painting's popularity has created challenges for the museum, leading to a cap on daily attendance and the need for rebalancing.

Impact on Visitors

The increase in admission price will primarily affect tourists visiting the Louvre. While French visitors make up 30 percent of the museum's attendees, many are eligible for free admission. Children and those under 26 from European Union countries can enter for free, as well as individuals in certain professions. The Louvre aims to strike a balance between accessibility for local residents and covering its operational costs.

Overall, the Louvre's decision to raise its admission price is a response to rising expenses and the anticipated influx of visitors for the Summer Olympics. Visitors can expect to pay more to see iconic artworks like the Mona Lisa, but the museum's efforts to improve the visitor experience and manage crowd control may ultimately enhance the overall enjoyment of the cultural institution.