ZEROBASEONE’s Agency Releases New Statement On Kim Ji Woong’s Allegations Of Cursing During Fan Call

ZEROBASEONE’s agency WAKEONE Entertainment has issued a new statement addressing the recent allegations against Kim Ji Woong.


Statement from WAKEONE Entertainment

On February 5, WAKEONE Entertainment requested expert evaluation of the video that was circulating on social media and online communities. The evaluation was conducted through the law firm SHIN&KIM. After analyzing the voiceprint characteristics and frequency response waveforms of the voice in the video, it was determined that the voice said both 'thank you' and an expletive. The analysis also revealed that the voices had different pitch and height, indicating that they belong to different people. Therefore, it has been determined that the cursing voice in the video is not that of our artist, Kim Ji Woong.

Additionally, it should be noted that the video in question was not recorded using the device used for the fan call, but instead was recorded using an external filming device. This raises the possibility that the voice cursing was added in post-production. We consider this as evidence that our artist's voice was not involved in the cursing incident.

We would like to apologize for the delay in releasing this statement. We took the time to conduct an additional expert evaluation to ensure we could provide an accurate and truthful response. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. Our commitment remains to protect our artist based on the truth and prevent any further harm to him and his fans. We will continue to work towards creating a healthy and mature K-pop culture. Thank you.

Response from the Video Poster

The individual who originally posted the video has released a new statement insisting that the video was not edited. She maintains that the cursing heard at the end of the fan call was genuine and not manipulated.

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