Elderly Woman Leaves $2.8M Inheritance to Pets After Feeling Neglected by Children

An elderly woman in Shanghai has decided to leave her $2.8 million fortune to her cats and dogs after claiming that her children never visited her when she was sick. She changed her will to exclude her children and designated a local veterinary clinic as the administrator of her inheritance to ensure the care of her pets.


Elderly Woman Cuts Children Out of Will

A Shanghai woman has made headlines after deciding to leave her $2.8 million fortune to her pets rather than her own children. The woman, identified only as Ms. Liu, claims that her children never visited her or showed any care for her when she was sick and in need of support. As a result, she changed her will and left the entire inheritance to her cats and dogs.

The decision to exclude her children from her will was not an easy one for Ms. Liu, but she felt that her pets were the only source of comfort and companionship she had in her old age. She wanted to ensure that they would be taken care of even after her passing.

The new will specifically states that all of Ms. Liu's money must be used to care for her pets and any offspring they may have. To ensure that the pets receive proper care, a local veterinary clinic has been appointed as the administrator of her inheritance.

Legal Challenges and Alternatives

While Ms. Liu originally wanted to leave all of her money directly to her pets, it is not legal to do so in China. However, there are alternatives to address this issue. Chen Kai, an official from the Will Registration Centre headquarters in Beijing, explained that one option is to appoint a person she trusts to supervise the veterinary clinic to ensure proper care for the pets.

The Will Registration Centre also cautioned Ms. Liu about the risks of putting all of her money in the hands of the veterinary clinic. They suggested that she could change her will again if her children were to change their attitude towards her in the future.

The story of Ms. Liu's decision has sparked lively online discussion in China, with many expressing their sadness for her and understanding her reasons for excluding her children from her inheritance.

Generous Inheritances for Pets

Leaving inheritances to pets is not unheard of. In 2020, a wealthy businessman in Tennessee left $5 million to his border collie, Lulu, who was only eight years old at the time. Similarly, British fashion designer Alexander McQueen left a portion of his fortune, approximately £50,000, to his beloved dogs, Minter, Juice, and Callum, when he passed away in 2010.

These stories highlight the deep bond and love that people can have for their pets, often considering them family. It is a testament to the impact and importance that animals can have in our lives, especially during times of loneliness or illness.

Ms. Liu's decision to leave her inheritance to her pets may be unconventional, but it reflects the gratitude and attachment she feels towards them, which ultimately led her to prioritize their well-being over her children.