Famous People and Their Unusual Pets

Discover the fascinating history of famous people and their unconventional pets.


The Historical Trend of Unusual Pets

Throughout history, famous individuals, such as royalty and Hollywood stars, have often chosen unconventional pets. While most people opt for dogs or cats, these celebrities prefer creatures like raccoons and monkeys. This preference may stem from the trustworthiness and loyalty they find in their animal companions, which is especially valuable in a world filled with betrayal.

The tradition of exotic pets dates back to the age of discovery when European royal courts embraced the trend. Monkeys dressed in human attire and parrots gifted at diplomatic events began to fill these courts. Some notable examples include Juan of Austria's lion named Austria, Philip II of Spain's assortment of animals, and Pope Leo X's elephant named Hanno. These lavish displays persisted for centuries due to the belief that owning exotic and rare animals symbolized status and power.

Weirdly Fascinating Celebrity Pets Throughout History

The trend of owning attention-grabbing pets continued into Georgian times when the rich and powerful maintained private menageries. Famous individuals like Jeremy Bentham, Sir Robert Walpole, and Sir Hans Sloane adorned their homes with uncommon animals such as leopards, flamingos, and wolverines. While modern animal welfare laws have limited the ownership of exotic pets, some celebrities still manage to have unusual companions. Names like Justin Bieber with his monkey and Mike Tyson with his tiger come to mind.

Although the ownership of these animals was often inhumane, it's hard not to feel a twinge of envy. Today, even petting a goat requires a risk assessment, making it difficult to imagine what it would have been like to have a lion or an elephant as a companion. However, it's not surprising that this level of presence from wild creatures may have contributed to the detachment from reality experienced by some celebrities.

Noteworthy Celebrity-Pet Duos Throughout History

The history of celebrities and their unusual pets provides intriguing stories. Catherine of Aragon, wife of Henry VIII, had a monkey as her beloved companion. Grace Coolidge, wife of President Calvin Coolidge, had a raccoon named Rebecca who often misbehaved and even bit the first lady. Iconic figures like Rudolph Valentino, Clara Bow, and Josephine Baker also had their fair share of unique animal companions.

Joan Crawford, known for her love of dogs, doted on Cliquot, a poodle who enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle. Another interesting case is Hylda Baker, a music hall comedian, who was seen carrying monkeys while wearing fur coats. Salvador Dalí, known for his eccentricity, had an ocelot named Babou. Perhaps the most famous example is Tippi Hedren, who lived with a lion named Neil and has admitted it was a reckless decision in hindsight. These strange and captivating celebrity-pet partnerships continue to fascinate us to this day.