Computing Feed - Page 15

IBM Unveils New Quantum Computing Chip to 'Explore New Frontiers of Science'

IBM Unveils New Quantum Computing Chip to 'Explore New Frontiers of Science'

IBM has introduced a new quantum computing chip and machine that could pave the way for larger and faster systems than traditional computers. The chip, called Quantum System Two, uses three 'Heron' cryogenically cooled chips and can harness quantum bits to perform complex calculations. IBM plans to use this chip in its enterprise AI platform, Watsonx, and believes that quantum computers have the potential to solve problems in various fields within minutes, which would take today's supercomputers millions of years to complete.

IBM Introduces Quantum Error Suppression Software

IBM Introduces Quantum Error Suppression Software

IBM has recently released Quantum Error Suppression software, developed by Q-CTRL, which has the potential to significantly enhance computing performance.

Alibaba Shuts Down its Quantum Computing Effort

Alibaba Shuts Down its Quantum Computing Effort

China's e-commerce giant, Alibaba, has recently announced the closure of its quantum computing research effort.

Next Big Things in Tech

Next Big Things in Tech

Discover the groundbreaking technologies honored in Fast Company's Next Big Things in Tech awards for 2023.

Ampere Computing: Unlocking a Path to the Sustainable Cloud

Ampere Computing: Unlocking a Path to the Sustainable Cloud

AI News caught up with Victor Jakubiuk, Head of AI at Ampere Computing, a semiconductor company offering Cloud Native Processors. We discussed how they are driving high-performance, scalable and energy-efficient solutions built for the sustainable cloud.

IBM Introduces 'Utility-Scale' Quantum Computing in Japan as China and Europe Struggle

IBM Introduces 'Utility-Scale' Quantum Computing in Japan as China and Europe Struggle

IBM has installed a 127-qubit quantum computing system at the University of Tokyo, marking the arrival of the first 'utility-scale' quantum system in Japan.

Alibaba Shuts Quantum Computing Lab as Part of Restructuring

Alibaba Shuts Quantum Computing Lab as Part of Restructuring

Chinese tech giant Alibaba has closed down its quantum computing laboratory and team, donating the lab and equipment to Zhejiang University.

Amazon Introduces Q, an A.I. Chatbot for Companies

Amazon Introduces Q, an A.I. Chatbot for Companies

Amazon has announced its own artificial intelligence assistant called Amazon Q, which is designed to assist employees in workplaces.